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We’re having a baby!!!

Gareth Ellis
Baby Ellis

Jess and I are having a baby!

That’s right, today we went for our 12 week scan and saw our little prince or princess for the first time and it was absolutely magical.

We are both extremely happy, over the moon in fact, but it’s been a journey and an adventure to this point already.

For starters, people don’t tell you the bad side of trying for children. They don’t tell you of the heartbreak each month when you try and test and it comes up negative. It’s a long wait as well. From the point of ovulation until the point you test it seems like forever, and seems to make that negative just kick you in the bollocks (almost literally).

Another thing is when people find out you’re trying. The amount of times I’ve heard “Well I bet you’re having fun trying,” is amazing. And whereas it’s accurate, what you don’t know is it’s often a military operation, ‘Right it’s the second hour of the third day of the week, we should try now, no don’t worry if you’re tired, or ill, or whatever.’ It kind of takes all of the romance out of the fun side of marriage.

Secondly, no-one really tells you how much hearing about other people’s pregnancies really affects you. It’s not that you’re not happy, it’s just that you’re happy but also really jealous at the same time. It’s a horrible trait and one I wish I didn’t feel, but it happens and I’m sure people who are trying, reading this will probably feel the same.

The third thing is the lies you have to tell. I’m so sorry to all of those people, especially since we found out on March 25th, who’ve asked how we’re getting on and I’ve said “Yeah, we’re still trying, it’s tough but we’re still trying,” or when people ask if kids are on the way and we’ve had to say ‘Yeah hopefully sooner rather than later.’ To all of you I’m sorry….not sorry.

For now I’ve decided I won’t be drinking for the whole of the nine months, in support of J. She’s going through so much, what with sickness (she can’t brush her teeth too far back) and pains (I’ve had to give massages and make dinner etc) but I can’t take any of those things away. What I can do is be as supportive and helpful as possible and if that is making a fairly small sacrifice then so be it.

I want to finish on a happy note though as believe me this is the happiest of happy days for us. We seem to have waited for so long despite the fact it’s really been about seven months.

You really wonder how any feeling can top your wedding day but when that little figure flashed up on the screen and I saw it wave (it definitely waved) I couldn’t stop smiling.

For all those congratulations and well wishes we want to say thank you in advance and through this new blog we want to invite you to share in our adventure.

But what would a new parent (Daddy) blog be without a word from the Mummy to be as well – over to you, for one time only, Jessica.

One time only? We’ll see about that Ells..

I can’t believe we’re even writing this blog. All those months of staring at negative pregnancy tests, when that second line emerged (scarily quickly), that sudden overwhelming realisation that I will actually have a little person to look after swamped me. ‘What have we done?’, I remember uttering to Gareth, followed with complete denial which meant we had to rush out and get a few more tests!

The 2 months or so since then have been a roller-coaster, with a lot of googling (“Is it normal to throw up EVERY time you brush your teeth”) and reading forums (hint for future mums- there are a lot of horror stories but that doesn’t mean it will definitely happen to you!).

Today, at our scan, was magical. I have never ever felt that amount of love, with our wedding day a close second. I am so excited, and now have an overwhelming urge to BUY LOADS!!!

I’m really looking forward to having this blog to capture our journey (and editing out the really embarrassing bits) and also to look back on. Hope you enjoy it too.

Fuck, she’s better at this than me. Now I know why I said ‘one time only.’

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