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V – Suitable for Vegetarians

Gareth Ellis

I love eating meat.

I am a carnivore and there aren’t many meals I can usually get through without some kind of meat product.

J is not the same as she doesn’t like a lot of meats. She’s never really liked pork or lamb and we always end up cutting off lots of ‘fatty bits’ from our chicken.

So she’s decided to cut down on the amount of meat she eats, a decision I completely understand and support. However, it’s not one I will be embarking upon myself this time. Fuck that!

Anyone who is a regular reader of my blog will know I gave up meat for lent last year and anyone reading this one can be assured I won’t be doing that bollocks again.

However, seeing as it’s too much of a faff to make two dinners at night, one with meat and one without, I’ve actually been *whispers* enjoying some meals without meat.

Don’t get me wrong, I won’t be turning to the green side anytime soon and I’d love a steak right about now, but it has been fairly enjoyable.

J has made some really tasty meals including an awesome tomato risotto, vegetable paella and sausage and sweet potato mash (with veggie sausages.) Note: J cooks and then I clean up, just in case any feminists pipe up, let me stop you right there, I’m a feminist too.

Anyway, the problem I’ve found recently is that I’m trying to bulk at the gym. I want to have bigger muscles but the only way I can think to do that is by eating protein. Plenty of chicken and red meat. However, I actually googled vegetarian bulking.

Yeah I know, what the fuck is going on in my head right now?

All I got on the search was that I should be eating nuts. Sounds like google and I have the same thoughts on vegetarians.

Seriously though if anyone reading this has any tips on how to keep my energy up while I try and bulk then please do let me know.

Overall I want to support J, and actually it has saved us a lot of money in our shopping bills not buying meat, so maybe it’s not all bad.

Anyone fancy a KFC Bargain Bucket any time soon?



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