This weekend has been amazing. And I haven’t really done that much.
Before Rupert, and before I was with Jess, I could go a whole day without leaving the house. I wasn’t much of a lay-in person, never have been, but I was sometimes a bloody lazy bugger.
A typical Saturday for me (sometimes) was up at 9am to watch Soccer AM until 12pm, then half an hour break, then watch whatever football match was on at 12.30pm.
By the time that was over it was around 2.30pm so I’d have another half hour until Soccer Saturday (a show where reporters are at a handful of football matches, and a vidiprinter reports the goals from every single football match that day.)
Then the 5.30pm game would kick off, I’d maybe order a takeaway, then watch a bit of TV before bed. Oh how times have changed.
Nowadays, since the clocks went back, Rupert gets up around 6am every day (sometimes if we’re lucky he’ll be up at 6.30am.)
Through the week Jess and I both get up when he wakes up, although at the weekends we alternate our days to give the other one a lie-in. Teamwork.
However, now I (usually) wake up to him smiling, before I’m downstairs to give him his bottle. By 7am he has breakfast and often around 9am he’s back down for a morning nap.
Just to make the point, Jess and I went out for a walk after Rupert had got up from his nap today, we walked twenty minutes to the nearby shops, as I promised Jess a coffee and a cake at Costa. We then went to Aldi, then got to the shops and it was only 10.30am. NB: Most shops don’t open in the UK until 11am on a Sunday – Costa is one of them. So we left, disappointed, vowing to get coffee and cake somewhere else. I honestly felt like we’d been awake for about eight hours though.
But despite that we still had some lovely family time, both Saturday and Sunday. We played with our son, we went for walks, we got some stuff done round the house. We laughed, we loved and we lived.
What I’m trying to say is, I always used to be the guy who wanted to do so that I’d have something to tell people when I got into work on Monday morning. Now I go into work and I’m happy to tell people I spent it with family, doing ‘not a lot.’
The best things in life really can be free. You don’t need to spend loads of money to enjoy the company of the people you love.
Please note, coffee and cakes are not free