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Gareth Ellis

Don’t be Blue on Blue Monday

So apparently, today is Blue Monday.

No, it doesn’t mean playing your favourite boyband songs and reminiscing over which one you had a crush on.

No, it’s the third Monday of the year, the Monday where you’ve already blown your New Years Resolutions, you’ve got no money as you were paid before Christmas, and you’re stuck doing Veganuary for at least another 12 days.

The point is that it’s another made up day, actually made up as a PR stunt by the travel industry to get people to book their summer getaways (or February mini-breaks.)

Cheeky really, but I guess there was a time where the last Friday of November wasn’t Black Friday, and Boxing Day wasn’t reserved for a company’s sales. This is just another one of those days that you’ll either buy into, or you won’t.

I don’t buy it. I think a mood is determined by so many different factors. In fact, today I had a good day. Rupert woke up in a good mood, work was productive, Jess and I laughed (a lot). It was only when I got in the car at the end of the day and Jess said something that I even knew about it.

I think in a world where we’re trying to improve people’s mental health, the last thing we need is subliminal messaging that we’re miserable, and that we need to escape our current situation.

This year, Jess and I might have a couple of days away, here or there, but we won’t be going away on holiday. Does that make me sad? Well, no, not really. This year we’ll be completing our family when our newest little one arrives in May. Even then, people shouldn’t be sad if they don’t get away in a calendar year.

I look at my life and I know I’m blessed. On Saturday night we had a takeaway night with family and it was amazing. It wasn’t anything fancy, it was just family getting together, chatting, catching up and having fun. But some people don’t have family.

I have a loving wife and a beautiful son, but some people aren’t that lucky.

The point is that we must be more grateful for the things we have, rather than wishing we had a holiday, or a newer car, or a better job.

I want everyone reading this to make a list, even if it’s just in your heads, of the things you have in your life that you’re grateful for.

I sympathise with those who are struggling, and trust me I know how you feel, because when you’re feeling low it seems like there’s nothing to be grateful for, but trust me, everyone has something.

This world is cruel at times, but it’s also full of beauty, all you have to do is remind yourself exactly what that is for you. Then we can tell Blue Monday to go and f’ itself.

Blue Monday
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